We were honored to have executive director, Ed Gonion, join us for lunch today at the Country Gentleman here in Kennewick. We would have been considerably more honored if his lovely wife, Diane, could have joined us as well - but hey, one outa two isn't too bad . . . is it?
However, let it be said, Ed delivered today, just as he always does. His stories are memorable, but his message is important, and it boils down to this: We want our COLA back, even though we probably won't get it back this year, we still want it back; we want the monthly Medicare subsidy moved from $150/month back to the previous $182; we do not want Plan II to disappear; and we overwhelmingly support Treasurer James McIntyre's proposed amendment to the Washington State Constitution to fully support the public pension system, fully.
Also mentioned at today's meeting were:
Debbie Thurston spoke briefly regarding PSD's Enterprise Week and its need for assistance.
Contact her here if you are interested.
Connie Bailey reported on the Membership Drive. We need your help! You get two new members, we'll buy your next lunch! REALLY!
Hollis Morris reported on the meetings he attended in Lacey regarding the Health and Protective Services.
Elaine Banks, reported the need for us to contact our legislators regarding our concerns for the decisions they make which impact our finanacial lives. Another good time to contact them is just after the upcoming elections.
There being nothing further to come before the good of the order, president Jim Bumgarner adjourned the meeting.
Join us next month for the Toy Drive and the annual sing-a-long with the ever illustrious, Don Parks.
Monday, October 22, 2012
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
"107 Attend the Legislators Meet 'N Greet"
We were treated to a very successful program this month when the legislators and contenders from the 8th, 9th and 16th legislative districts joined us at the Country Gentleman. It is always a treat to be able to meet with these distinguished folks, shake hands, discuss important issues and hear what they have to say in regards to our concerns.
Thanks to Jim and AJ Foster, Elaine Banks, and Tom Callahan, for organizing the "Meet and Greet Your Legislators/Contenders." We had 107 members, visitors, legislators/aides, and contenders in the room. We also had visitors from both Prosser and Walla Walla.
Our collective concerns regarding cuts to our pensions/benefits, the loss of our Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA), the reinstatement of our medicare subsidy to $184/month, our support for State Treasurer
McIntire's proposal for a constitutional amendment requiring full pension funding, our concerns regarding any further increases in health care costs and the maintainance of the Plan 2 Defined Benefit plan were all masterfully presented to the legislators and contenders by Jim Foster.
L to R: Jim Foster; Terry Nealey; Bryce Barret, assitant to Mike Hewitt; Mary Ruth Edwards; and Maureen Walsh to the left of the podium. |
L to R: Jay Clough, Brad Klippert, Larry Haler, Richard Reuther, and Susan Fagan to the right of the podum. |
It is too bad we didn't have more time for each of them to expand on some of their responses, or give members more opportunity for questions, but time moves on. At least we heard some of what we wanted to hear, and maybe some of what we didn't directly from the folks who will be instrumental in making these decisions for us in Olympia.
Thanks again to those involved in organizing the event.
The following NEW MEMBERS were welcomed and names shared with members at the luncheon:
The following NEW MEMBERS were welcomed and names shared with members at the luncheon:
Melinda Anderson
Maxine Bumgarner
Brooke Canada
Susan Hall
Frances Beltran
Linda Marquez
Lionel Marquez
Yolanda Freyman
Patricia Noakes and
Glen Allison
President Jim also discussed the planning for the State Convention coming up next June in Pasco. Sign up sheets were spread around the tables for those interested in volunteering. Four people indicated interest. We have a ways to go with this.
And how about that Beef Medallion with Mushroom Ragu? Mmmmmmm. Way to go Country Gentleman!!!
And how about that Beef Medallion with Mushroom Ragu? Mmmmmmm. Way to go Country Gentleman!!!
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
"Come Meet Your Legislators Sept 24th"
We have invited all of the Legislators and Contenders to our luncheon on September 24th, scheduled from 11 am to 1:30 for this special event. To that end, the following message comes from our Legislative Committee: Elaine, AJ and Jim.
"The Legislators and Contenders who are attending our luncheon on Sept 24th are:
Klippert and Clough (8th reps); Haler and Reuther (8th reps) ; Delvin (8th sen); Fagan (9th rep); Walsh and Edwards (16th reps); Nealey (16th rep) and Hewitt (16th sen).
"We are emphasizing to all Legislators: 1) we do not want any new cuts to our pensions/benefits; 2) we need our COLA back; 3) our medicare subsidy be returned to $184; 4) we Support State Treasurer McIntire's proposal/constitutional amendment requiring pension to be full funding; 5) we do not want any more increases in health care costs; and 6) maintain Plan 2 Defined Benefit plan.
"As retirees, we must remind legislators that it is not the enactment of MUCH NEEDED pension benefit improvement that is the problem, it is the Legislature's failure to pay for such benefits in a timely fashion that is the problem.
"Come to the luncheon. Bring a friend. Be informed, be involved and VOTE. As our new WSSRA President says 'STAND UP AND BE HEARD'.
Legislative comm:Elaine, AJ and Jim
...Wa state has 110,795 annuitants in the Public Employees and Teachers Retirement Systems. Total monthly annuity payments equal $228,273,106.
...Every $1 paid to retirees generates $1.37 in total economic output. State annuity payments create $312,734,155 monthly economic activity.
...Reinstatement of the Plan 1 Uniform Cost of Living Adjustment would increase the state's economic activity by $82,178,318 annually.
...WA state's own stimulus program."
"The Legislators and Contenders who are attending our luncheon on Sept 24th are:
Klippert and Clough (8th reps); Haler and Reuther (8th reps) ; Delvin (8th sen); Fagan (9th rep); Walsh and Edwards (16th reps); Nealey (16th rep) and Hewitt (16th sen).
"We are emphasizing to all Legislators: 1) we do not want any new cuts to our pensions/benefits; 2) we need our COLA back; 3) our medicare subsidy be returned to $184; 4) we Support State Treasurer McIntire's proposal/constitutional amendment requiring pension to be full funding; 5) we do not want any more increases in health care costs; and 6) maintain Plan 2 Defined Benefit plan.
"As retirees, we must remind legislators that it is not the enactment of MUCH NEEDED pension benefit improvement that is the problem, it is the Legislature's failure to pay for such benefits in a timely fashion that is the problem.
"Come to the luncheon. Bring a friend. Be informed, be involved and VOTE. As our new WSSRA President says 'STAND UP AND BE HEARD'.
Legislative comm:Elaine, AJ and Jim
...Wa state has 110,795 annuitants in the Public Employees and Teachers Retirement Systems. Total monthly annuity payments equal $228,273,106.
...Every $1 paid to retirees generates $1.37 in total economic output. State annuity payments create $312,734,155 monthly economic activity.
...Reinstatement of the Plan 1 Uniform Cost of Living Adjustment would increase the state's economic activity by $82,178,318 annually.
...WA state's own stimulus program."
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
"Membership Drive Underway"
At Helen Bruggeman's invitation, President Jim met with the
Highland Middle School retirees' group for their annual "Neener Neener" luncheon held on the
first day of school. Three new members were added to our membership list and Helen gets to
Highland Middle School retirees' group for their annual "Neener Neener" luncheon held on the
first day of school. Three new members were added to our membership list and Helen gets to
claim all three for the membership drive.
Congratulations, Helen!
Congratulations, Helen!
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Sue Sherrell, Mona Alzheimer, Kathi Hand, Diane Difani, Judy Duncan, Becky Wedberg, Jim Bumgarner, Jan Fraley, Judy Robbins, Dewey Robbins, Helen Bruggeman. |
The Benefit Fairs are prime events for educating school employees as to who we are,
as well as finding new members. Members have already worked the
Pre-Benefit Fair in Kennewick, and both Benefit Fairs in Pasco and Richland.
Kennewick's actual Benefit Fair will be held next week.
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Don Parks and Connie Bailey share information with Pasco staffers. |
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Pasco Benefit Fair |
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Pasco Benefit Fair |
Monday, August 13, 2012
"Annual Indoor Picnic Held at CG Today"
The Benton/Franklin School Retirees held their Annual Picnic today at the Country Gentleman in Kennewick. Fifty-eight members, guests and visitors, were served. The menu provided consisted of hamburgers and hot dogs. As an alternative, veggie burgers and dogs were served.
Terry Simmelink, long time entertainer, Kennewick resident, and public school supporter provided the music. Singing a collection of older standards, he was well received.
President, Jim Bumgarner, welcomed members, visitor and guests, and provided some background regarding what the association is about in terms of membership, health and protective services, legislative bird-dogging, scholarships, teacher grants, the membership directory and newsletter, the telephone committee, books-dvds and puzzles for scholarships, media and regional connections. Each committee chair and officer was introduced.
President Jim also encouraged members to find ways to help the association, primarily by matching their interests up with committee chair responsibilities. He reminded everyone that those positions are not permanent and now would be a good time to contact one of the chairs and offer assistance.
We are looking for someone to assume the position of Memorial Chair, to help with the presentation of the Memorial Services next May.
We also need someone to step into Shirley Frare's position of Scholarship Chair. Shirley says she has been doing this long enough and is ready for someone to take it over. This year she is willing to stay as Chair and train her replacement. If anyone is interested, contact either Shirley, or Jim Bumgarner.
It was also announced that we need three callers replacements and those positions were filled today.
The Membership Drive this year entails a challenge to all members to bring new members into the association. To that end we have decided to offer a free lunch for every two new members a member signs up. The new member may still be working (active), retired, and must not be named in the directory. Click the link "Membership Drive" in the left-hand margin for details.
President Jim also stated that for any member who invites him to one of the many "coffee klatches" retired educators hold regularly in our area, he will reward that member with how ever many "sponsor tickets for a free lunch" that are generated from the group. The race is on.
The webpage was mentioned as a means of immediate feedback regarding what is going on with the association. All members were invited follow the blog by entering their email address in the "Email for Updates" link in the right margin. These secured addresses are used for no other reason than to notify said follower when the webpage is updated.
The Country Gentleman is our new home this year. We are excited about meeting in a locally owned facility and look forward to developing a smooth working relationship the the good folks at CG.
Members will be responsible for letting the callers know if they prefer an alternative menu which will normally be a chef salad. Members requiring a menu more specific in terms of diabetic, gluten free, etc., will need to contact the Country Gentleman themselves during the week prior to the scheduled luncheon.
We will be hosting the State Convention at the Pasco Red Lion next June. Jim asked for assitance where assistance may be needed and invited members to offer wherever they thought they might be able to help.
Saturday, July 28, 2012
A Note from President Jim Bumgarner
Welcome to this new year at BFSRA. Members of the executive board began planning for
this year last spring and it is exciting now that we are standing on
the threshold of the new year, and ready to open the door.
We will hold our “Annual Indoor Picnic” at the Country Gentleman in Kennewick, August 13th from 11:30 to 1pm. Cost for the luncheon will be $13, (not the $12 that I announced at last May’s meeting). We have invited each of our 77 active members to attend, and entertainment will be provided by Terry Simmelink, long time Kennewick resident, and full-time supporter of public education. We are sure this will be a great time to renew old friendships and possibly make some news ones as well.
As a reminder, all our luncheons this year are scheduled at the “Country Gentleman.” We believe our support of this locally owned establishment will be as good for us as it will be for the owners and staff there. I know the good folks at “CG” are looking forward helping us make this year a success, and we look forward to working with them.
I am coming into the year with a renewed sense of purpose and direction. I look forward to working closely with Connie Bailey with the Membership Drive this year, I will be re-emphasizing the need for interested parties to assist our committee chairs, and will be looking toward increasing electronic communications with as many members as possible. I also want to encourage members to continue supporting the outstanding work our Legislative Committee does in keeping our legislators up-to-date on the very reasonable demands we expect them to support.
Then one additional item – and not a small one - WSSRA will hold its Annual Convention in Pasco next June. We have already had a few planning meetings, and it is with your ideas and assistance that we look forward to putting together an outstanding Convention.
See you at the Picnic!!
We will hold our “Annual Indoor Picnic” at the Country Gentleman in Kennewick, August 13th from 11:30 to 1pm. Cost for the luncheon will be $13, (not the $12 that I announced at last May’s meeting). We have invited each of our 77 active members to attend, and entertainment will be provided by Terry Simmelink, long time Kennewick resident, and full-time supporter of public education. We are sure this will be a great time to renew old friendships and possibly make some news ones as well.
As a reminder, all our luncheons this year are scheduled at the “Country Gentleman.” We believe our support of this locally owned establishment will be as good for us as it will be for the owners and staff there. I know the good folks at “CG” are looking forward helping us make this year a success, and we look forward to working with them.
I am coming into the year with a renewed sense of purpose and direction. I look forward to working closely with Connie Bailey with the Membership Drive this year, I will be re-emphasizing the need for interested parties to assist our committee chairs, and will be looking toward increasing electronic communications with as many members as possible. I also want to encourage members to continue supporting the outstanding work our Legislative Committee does in keeping our legislators up-to-date on the very reasonable demands we expect them to support.
Then one additional item – and not a small one - WSSRA will hold its Annual Convention in Pasco next June. We have already had a few planning meetings, and it is with your ideas and assistance that we look forward to putting together an outstanding Convention.
See you at the Picnic!!
Jim Bumgarner, President, 2012 - 2013
Friday, June 8, 2012
"UPDATE: Spokane WSSRA Convention and Legislators' Event"
is the theme for next year. Fourteen delegates went to the WSSRA Conference in Spokane this week. Four of those same people, Jim and AJ Foster, Elaine Banks, Tom Callahan, and Jim Bumgarner, then attended a reception for those local candidates running for office the evening they got back to the Tri-Cities.
We have much to share once we have digested all we heard and learned. We encourage all of you to keep in touch with your legislators in the meantime. We need to keep our agenda/concerns before them. Go visit their local offices, treat them to coffee, take them cookies, volunteer for them, whatever you can to keep them aware of who we are and what our agenda is.
1. We want our Cola back,
2. We want our medical subsidy returned to the $183,
3. Follow the State Treasurer McIntyre's Pension Funding Reform Plan calling for a Constitutional Amendment for the state to tend to its Pension Obligations.
4. Do not increase Health Care Costs.
Read Jim Bumgarner's message below. Jim is our President for the next year and he is off to a great start with the Blog. Check it out. We will be sharing info from time to time with you through out the summer. Have a great one.
Jim and AJ Foster
Thursday, June 7, 2012
"Gearing Up for 2012 - 2013"
The blog is presently being updated and readied for what promises to be another
great year for the Benton/Franklin School Retiree's Association. We
hope everyone's hopes, plans and dreams for another summer are all exceeded and
when we all return for the picnic August at the Country Gentleman it will be with a
renewed sense of excitement and purpose in working together to attain our goals
as members of this great organization.
Jim Bumgarner
President for 2012 - 2013
Jim Bumgarner
President for 2012 - 2013
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
"Memorial Service and Installation of Officers"
Each May we conduct a Memorial Servive in honor of those members who passed during the most recent year, and we install the new officers for the upcoming year.
For the Memorial Service, Lori Lydeen played two wonderful pieces on her oboe, Peter Bixby did a reading (click here to read it), Jim Bumgarner read the names along with a few words regarding the careers of each person listed (find the list here), and Connie Bailey provided a touch of class to the service with a bell-ringing for each.
For the Installation of Officers Marion Hughes graciously, and with a great deal of style, installed the following for the 2012- 2013 year:
President: Jim Bumgarner
Vice President and Program Chair: Tom Callahan
Secretary: Lew Edming
Treasurer: Marlys Mayer
We wish them the best for the upcoming year.
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Members enjoying lunch and camraderie at our final luncheon not only for the year, but also at the Red Lion as we are moving to the Country Gentleman next year. |
For the Memorial Service, Lori Lydeen played two wonderful pieces on her oboe, Peter Bixby did a reading (click here to read it), Jim Bumgarner read the names along with a few words regarding the careers of each person listed (find the list here), and Connie Bailey provided a touch of class to the service with a bell-ringing for each.
For the Installation of Officers Marion Hughes graciously, and with a great deal of style, installed the following for the 2012- 2013 year:
President: Jim Bumgarner
Vice President and Program Chair: Tom Callahan
Secretary: Lew Edming
Treasurer: Marlys Mayer
We wish them the best for the upcoming year.
Friday, May 11, 2012
2012 Scholarship Winners
L to R: Jansen Leggett, Sarah Blake, Meghan Gosney |
BFSRA members Don Parks, Helen Bruggeman, Connie Bailey, Jim Bumgarner, and Barbara Lanning met on March 22, 2012, to read scholarship applications. The following students were awareded 2012 BFSRA Scholarships.
Megan Gosney, a senior at Richland HS will receive the $1000 Marion Hankwitz Memorial Scholarship. She plans to attend CBC and transer to CWU or EWU. She will enroll as an elementary major and has extensive experience working with children through her volunteer activities in the school and community.
Sarah Blake plans to attend Seattle Pacific University as a music education major. She is a Kamiakin HS Careers in Education student who has worked with Cottonwood Elementary students in both vocal and instrumental music. She will receive a $1000 BFSRA Scholarship.
The third $1000 scholarship was awarded to Jansen Leggett, a senior at Hanford HS. He will attend Whitworth as a music education major with a music performance minor. he as been actively involved in voacl and instrument Hanford HS music programs.
These BFSRA winners from Hanford, Richland, and Kamiakin High Schools, with their parents were invited to attend the April 23rd meeting and meet our members. Don Parks also introduced Sarah Blake, the winner of the WSSR-Foundation Scholarhip.
Shirly Frares - Scholarships
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
"March Luncheon: 'Every 15 Minutes' " Program
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Officer James Canada, Kennewick Police Officer |
Twenty four students are chosen for the program then they are taken through an intensive two days of activities designed to get this critical message out to their respective student bodies. Officer Canada also shared that in the last few years, while the official title of the program remains unchanged, the number of the average number of minutes someone is killed in a an alcohol related traffic incident has grown from 15 to something close to 55 minutes. Officer Canada shared that this program as well as other public-relation programs are responsible for this positive change.
Jim Foster, Co-Chair of the Legislative Committee gave an update regarding what is happening in the special legislative session in Olympia with the pension budgetary issues we are experiencing. Jim urged all members to remain vigilant and keep the pressure on the legislature to face their responsibilities to do what is right by the school retirees across the state. (Find our legislator's email addresses in the right hand margin.)
Thank you, Jim, AJ, and Elaine for all the work you are doing to keep us informed of these issues and taking the leadership in helping us to know what we can do to help!!
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Jim Foster |
Members Tom Callahan and Membership Committee Chair, Connie Bailey, enjoy lunch and the conversation at their table.
Monday, February 27, 2012
"Feb 27th Luncheon: Mid-Columbia Partnership and Happy Birthday, Arden Vie"
Principals Carrie de Forest and Kelly Anderson presented a most interesting program regarding the Mid-Columbia Parent Partnership to members today. The MCP, sponsored by the Kennewick School District, offers a variety of enrollment options to help meet the needs and desires of their students, and those students' families.
MCP partners with parents and offers support, knowledge, feedback and guidance. It also provides our State’s required consultations with both the child and parent, it encourages each parent’s active participation, and allows both parents and students a voice in the program’s development.
Thank you, Carrie and Kelly, for such a great presentation! And - thank you members for such a great question/answer session following the presentation!!
Carrie de Forest and Kelly Anderson |
Mid-Columbia Parent Parnership:
Principals Carrie de Forest and Kelly Anderson presented a most interesting program regarding the Mid-Columbia Parent Partnership to members today. The MCP, sponsored by the Kennewick School District, offers a variety of enrollment options to help meet the needs and desires of their students, and those students' families.
Options range from full-time Alternatvie Learning Experiences to part-time enrollment for home-schoolers wanting supplemental classes.
MCP was created in 2003 by several home-schooling families in conjunction with district personnel.
Thank you, Carrie and Kelly, for such a great presentation! And - thank you members for such a great question/answer session following the presentation!!
Arden Vie:
Leona Hassig introduced Arden Vie to members, today. Mr. Vie celebrated his One-Hundredth birthday in January. He hired Leona when she began her teaching career in the Tri-Cities in the early seventies. The admiration in her voice was clearly evident.
Leona Hassig introduced Arden Vie to members, today. Mr. Vie celebrated his One-Hundredth birthday in January. He hired Leona when she began her teaching career in the Tri-Cities in the early seventies. The admiration in her voice was clearly evident.
"Congratulations, and Happy Birthday, Arden!!"
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Jan. 23rd: Luncheon Speakers
Jim Foster, Co-Chair Legislative Committee, shared with members the need for all to get on board with emailing our district legislators to keep them informed and educated about the negative situation they have created for us. For more specific and detailed information regarding how best to respond this most important request, click here.
Dave Pollington shared his work as an administrator of program(s), and coordinater of students persuing GED diplomas. His continual need for folks to volunteer on his and his students' behalf prompted his request to speak at the luncheon.
Dave Pollington shared his work as an administrator of program(s), and coordinater of students persuing GED diplomas. His continual need for folks to volunteer on his and his students' behalf prompted his request to speak at the luncheon.
Jim Bumgarner and Dave Pollington. |
Anyone interesting in helping can contact him here:
Dave Pollington
Coordinator of Adult Literacy
720 W. Court St
Pasco, WA 99301
545-4042 ext 212
Kevin Slattery, AMBA representative, presented the AMBA program. AMBA (Association Member Benefits Advisors) provides a full menu of beneifts to members of WSSRA including: Long Term Care/Home Health Care Insurance, a Cancer Treatment Policy, Long Term Care Annuity, Medicare Supplemental Insurance, Whole Life, Dental, Vision, Tax Deferred Annuities, Hearing Benefits, and an outstanding Medical Air Transportation Service.
Also available are: Government Employee Travel Opportunities, Vacations-to-Go Cruises, La Quinta Inn and Suites Discounts, Rental Car Discounts, Dell Computer and Apple Discounts, 1-800-Flowers Accounts, Wirefly (Verizon, Sprint; T-Mobile Cell Phone Plans, CU Wireless Plans, a Presto Printing Mailbox, and Identity Theft Solutions.
For more information, click here.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Legislative Committee's Report to the BFSRA Board
OK members-it is time to reawaken the sleeping giant. Statewide WSSRA has about 18,000 members (and many retirees who are not members) and 525 of those members are right here in BFSRA.
WSSRA in Olympia really needs our help in two areas:
1) We really need everyone's e-mail address because when it gets to "crunch time" in the Legislature, it will require everyone messaging our 8th and 16th legislators. Out of 18,000 members, Olympia only has 1,368 e-mail addresses.
FOLKS- We can do better than that!!! More e-mail addresses means we can get messages between our members and our legislators in a timely, effective fashion.
Please e mail your address to Ed Gonion at ed@wssra.org .
2) Contact our legislators and tell them "Pension Funding is a contractual and moral obligation of the State upon which retirees lives depend". For non e-mailers the 1-800-562-6000 still is a good number to call.
You know the "pre-legislative" meeting in Olympia was extremely "ineffective" and the real work is happening now, meaning the "$2 billion cut" still lies ahead so hang onto your shorts and be alert. AJ, Elaine and Jim go to Olympia January 18th and 19th to carry your concerns to legislators.
You can e-mail concerns and "pension losses" to Elaine at debanks2223@msn.com and/or Jim and AJ at cameojj@charter.net !
One more thing-carefully read the January Journal pgs3,4&5.
YOUR legislative committee,
Elaine, AJ and Jim.
WSSRA in Olympia really needs our help in two areas:
1) We really need everyone's e-mail address because when it gets to "crunch time" in the Legislature, it will require everyone messaging our 8th and 16th legislators. Out of 18,000 members, Olympia only has 1,368 e-mail addresses.
FOLKS- We can do better than that!!! More e-mail addresses means we can get messages between our members and our legislators in a timely, effective fashion.
Please e mail your address to Ed Gonion at ed@wssra.org .
2) Contact our legislators and tell them "Pension Funding is a contractual and moral obligation of the State upon which retirees lives depend". For non e-mailers the 1-800-562-6000 still is a good number to call.
You know the "pre-legislative" meeting in Olympia was extremely "ineffective" and the real work is happening now, meaning the "$2 billion cut" still lies ahead so hang onto your shorts and be alert. AJ, Elaine and Jim go to Olympia January 18th and 19th to carry your concerns to legislators.
You can e-mail concerns and "pension losses" to Elaine at debanks2223@msn.com and/or Jim and AJ at cameojj@charter.net !
One more thing-carefully read the January Journal pgs3,4&5.
YOUR legislative committee,
Elaine, AJ and Jim.
Monday, January 9, 2012
"Welcome Back"
We are looking forward to seeing everyone again, sharing holiday memories, enjoying another great Red Lion lunch, and getting back into the B/FSRA routine for 2012. The January luncheon will feature two presentations, both interesting, and important. Hope you can join us!
AMBA (Association Members' Benefits' Advisors): with Kevin Slattery and Ron Rutledge
Members of WSSRA, which includes all B/FSRA members, are eligible for certain Member Benefits: Dental, Vision, Long Term and Home Health Care; Cancer Treatment, Medicare Supplemental; Final Expense Whole Life Policies, Tax-Deferred Annuities; and more. To explain these benefits and answer questions, Kevin Slattery and Ron Rutledge of AMBA (Association Member Benefits Advisors), will be our featured presenters at the January 23rd luncheon.
AMBA is a nationwide full-service agency focused on plan design, negotiations, and implementation of benefits for associations. AMBA provides expertise in evaluating benefits and providers to assist WSSRA in obtaining quality benefits with flexible choices for members.
Check out the available benefits package at this link: http://wssrabenefits.com/.
Benton/Franklin Action Council: with Dave Pollington
Dave Pollington, Coordinator of Adult Literacy, will make a short presentation regarding the Action Council and it's mission regarding adult literacy.
Also, please find the letter of thanks we received from Alexi Alemeida, scholarhip recipient from last spring. Just go to her name in the left hand margin beneath the title, "Scholarship Applications and Letter."
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