Monday, August 13, 2012

"Annual Indoor Picnic Held at CG Today"

The Benton/Franklin School Retirees held their Annual Picnic today at the Country Gentleman in Kennewick.  Fifty-eight members, guests and visitors, were served. The menu provided consisted of hamburgers and hot dogs.  As an alternative, veggie burgers and dogs were served. 

Terry Simmelink, long time entertainer, Kennewick resident, and public school supporter provided the music.  Singing a collection of older standards, he was well received.      

President, Jim Bumgarner, welcomed members, visitor and guests, and provided some background regarding what the association is about in terms of membership, health and protective services, legislative bird-dogging, scholarships, teacher grants, the membership directory and newsletter, the telephone committee, books-dvds and puzzles for scholarships, media and regional connections.  Each committee chair and officer was introduced.   

President Jim also encouraged members to find ways to help the association, primarily by matching their interests up with committee chair responsibilities.  He reminded everyone that those positions are not permanent and now would be a good time to contact one of the chairs and offer assistance.

We are looking for someone to assume the position of Memorial Chair, to help with the presentation of the Memorial Services next May. 

We also need someone to step into Shirley Frare's position of Scholarship Chair.  Shirley says she has been doing this long enough and is ready for someone to take it over.  This year she is willing to stay as Chair and train her replacement.  If anyone is interested, contact either Shirley, or Jim Bumgarner.

It was also announced that we need three callers replacements and those positions were filled today. 

The Membership Drive this year entails a challenge to all members to bring new members into the association.  To that end we have decided to offer a free lunch for every two new members a member signs up.  The new member may still be working (active), retired, and must not be named in the directory.  Click the link "Membership Drive" in the left-hand margin for details. 

President Jim also stated that for any member who invites him to one of the many "coffee klatches" retired educators hold regularly in our area, he will reward that member with how ever many "sponsor tickets for a free lunch" that are generated from the group.  The race is on.

The webpage was mentioned as a means of immediate feedback regarding what is going on with the association.  All members were invited follow the blog by entering their email address in the "Email for Updates" link in the right margin.  These secured addresses are used for no other reason than to notify said follower when the webpage is updated. 

The Country Gentleman is our new home this year.  We are excited about meeting in a locally owned facility and look forward to developing a smooth working relationship the the good folks at CG. 

Members will be responsible for letting the callers know if they prefer an alternative menu which will normally be a chef salad.  Members requiring a menu more specific in terms of diabetic, gluten free, etc., will need to contact the Country Gentleman themselves during the week prior to the scheduled luncheon. 

We will be hosting the State Convention at the Pasco Red Lion next June. Jim asked for assitance where assistance may be needed and invited members to offer wherever they thought they might be able to help.