Saturday, July 28, 2012

A Note from President Jim Bumgarner

Welcome to this new year at BFSRA.  Members of the executive board began planning for this year last spring and it is exciting now that we are standing on the threshold of the new year, and ready to open the door.

We will hold our “Annual Indoor Picnic” at the Country Gentleman in Kennewick, August 13th from 11:30 to 1pm.  Cost for the luncheon will be $13, (not the $12 that I announced at last May’s meeting).  We have invited each of our 77 active members to attend, and entertainment will be provided by Terry Simmelink, long time Kennewick resident, and full-time supporter of public education. We are sure this will be a great time to renew old friendships and possibly make some news ones as well.   

As a reminder, all our luncheons this year are scheduled at the “Country Gentleman.” We believe our support of this locally owned establishment will be as good for us as it will be for the owners and staff there.  I know the good folks at “CG” are looking forward helping us make this year a success, and we look forward to working with them.       

I am coming into the year with a renewed sense of purpose and direction. I look forward to working closely with Connie Bailey with the Membership Drive this year, I will be re-emphasizing the need for interested parties to assist our committee chairs, and will be looking toward increasing electronic communications with as many members as possible.  I also want to encourage  members to continue supporting the outstanding work our Legislative Committee does in keeping our legislators up-to-date on the very reasonable demands we expect them to support.

Then one additional item – and not a small one - WSSRA will hold its Annual Convention in Pasco next June.  We have already had a few planning meetings, and it is with your ideas and assistance that we look forward to putting together an outstanding Convention.

See you at the Picnic!!

Jim Bumgarner, President, 2012 - 2013