Friday, June 8, 2012

"UPDATE: Spokane WSSRA Convention and Legislators' Event"


is the theme for next year. Fourteen delegates went to the WSSRA Conference in Spokane this week. Four of those same people, Jim and AJ Foster, Elaine Banks, Tom Callahan, and Jim Bumgarner, then attended a reception for those local candidates running for office the evening they got back to the Tri-Cities.

We have much to share once we have digested all we heard and learned. We encourage all of you to keep in touch with your legislators in the meantime. We need to keep our agenda/concerns before them. Go visit their local offices, treat them to coffee, take them cookies, volunteer for them, whatever you can to keep them aware of who we are and what our agenda is.

1. We want our Cola back,
2. We want our medical subsidy returned to the $183,
3. Follow the State Treasurer McIntyre's Pension Funding Reform Plan calling for a Constitutional Amendment for the state to tend to its Pension Obligations.
4. Do not increase Health Care Costs.

Read Jim Bumgarner's message below. Jim is our President for the next year and he is off to a great start with the Blog. Check it out. We will be sharing info from time to time with you through out the summer. Have a great one.

Jim and AJ Foster