Monday, August 12, 2013

"Welcome to Another Year at BFSRA"

Greetings to All,

We hope you can join us at the annual "August Picnic" Aug. 26th at the Country Gentleman at 11:30am.  We will enjoy a buffet of hamburgers, hot dogs, potato salad, and all the fixin's, while listening once again to the smooth and tender vocals of Terry Simmelink.  (Oh, and by the way, we meet indoors because we can predict neither the weather or the voraciousness of the insect populations these days.)

For those of you who are usual in your attendance, we hope you will maintain your visits with us this year; and for those of you who, for whatever reasons, have found it difficult to attend, we want to extend a special invitation to you.  Tom Callahan has put together an outstanding group of presenters and entertainers for us, as well as a mouth-watering menu for each luncheon. And of course, we wish we could do this for 5 bucks a lunch, but prices simply won't allow that anymore.

We can all be proud of our association.  Last year we provided three $1,000 scholarships to local graduates who plan to teach, a thousand dollars in teacher grants, and we collected a truck-load of toys for the little ones during the holiday season.  We provide sharp focus on the legislators, especially since many of them believe the state budget can be balanced out of our pocketbooks and bank accounts.  Then there is the mere social aspect of the association; for some this is one of the few opportunities available for person-to-person contact and for that we can all be grateful.

I hope to see all of you this year.  It is going to be an even better one than last year, because as Elaine said, I've got one more year to "get it right."  Let's hope, with your help and encouragement, that happens.

Be sure to watch for updates, schedules, menus, and other important information right here on our web page. 

Hope to see you at the picnic!   

Jim Bumgarner, president.