Tuesday, August 27, 2013

"August Picnic"

The Annual August Picnic was held, Monday, August 26th, at the Country Gentleman in Kennewick.  Sixty-three members attended and many reported the hamburgers were excellent in taste and preparation.  The  most popular item however, was the brownies! 

President Jim welcomed everyone back, introduced his mother, and the Executive Board members; and made a few announcements. The remainder of the event was filled with social interactions carried out against the soothing and very melodic sounds of Terry Simmilink's music.


1.  The Country Gentleman has asked us to park behind the building.  The reason is folks driving by looking for a quick lunch won't see a full parking lot and will be encouraged to come on in.  We will have the tables for pay and PAC contributions near the back door entrance beginning in September.

2.  A Craft Table will be set up at each meeting for anyone who has crafts of some sort they want to offer to membership for sale.  A minimum of 50% of any proceeds will go to the scholarship/teacher grant funds.  We have no one to head that up, so if anyone is interested, let us know! 

3.  A correction in program from the most recent newsletter:  Bruce Hawkins, Supt. of ESD 123, will speak briefly at the September luncheon.  The main event in September of course will be the legislators seeking another, or a new, term in office. 

4.  The board has decided the $1400/year we spend on newsletter mail-outs could be better utilized for scholarships and/or teacher grant monies.  To that end, anyone wanting to receive the standard 4 mail-out newsletter/year will be charged a whopping $2 subscription fee.  This will begin in January of 2014 and will run during the regular Jan-Dec year. 

That's it for now.