Members enjoyed socializing with this great meal while "Mary Lou and Stevie" created a perfect background to the affair with their wonderful Christmas music.
Apologies for no pictures today of "Mary Lou and Stevie," however this video, taken in 2016, was found in the archives, so give them a click and enjoy the moment, again.
The Big Event for the luncheon was when Anna Avile and Elizabeth Amezcua, representing 'The Salvation Army," accepted the toys collected by members for this year's Annual Toy Drive. Ms. Avile thanked BFSRA for its donations and reported we donated 189 toys last year (we didn't get a count on today's donation), and that they have had 400 children sign up with them this year.
We did get a few pics of Anna and Elizabeth and few of the many toys:
Master Gardeners applications open until
Jan. 3rd. Contact Alice Allison.
Only 5 Mini-Grants left of the 20 budgeted for at $200 each. If you know someone who could use the funding, click on the "Mini-Grant" tab above to find an application.
Have you written your legislators lately? Many know they should, but put it off and out of mind until the urge disappears. You can call them, email them, or send them a private FB Message. Find the links for email and FB in the left-hand margin on this page. If you don't, then that "blank" supports their mentality to keep your COLA.
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everyone. We'll see for our next luncheon,
January, 22, 2018.
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