This is the second year BFSRA has awarded scholarships to university level students who are enrolled in WSU: Tri-Cities, College of Education - students who will teach. Maricela Garza, from the Office of Advancement and Community Development at WSU Tri-Cities joined us April 24th and shared how our scholarship funds are being used by the university. She introduced four of the recipients of our current year's scholarships ($1,000 each) they are:
L to R:
Megan Gosney, Richland High graduate who plans to teach secondary language arts;
Jessica Garcia Ramirez, Pasco High graduate, plans to teach elementary bilingual classes;
Mark Cheney, Kamiakin High graduate who plans to teach high school chemistry; and
Nicole Strasser, Richland High graduate who plans to teach the elementary grades.
Not pictured: Becky Rausch and Kyla Turner.
Our region, SouthEast 8 (E8) also awarded scholarships to aspiring high school students who are interested in pursuing careers in education. The winner this year are:
Krystal Roberts, Walla Walla High School, and Erica Leinweber, Walla Walla High School, each recipients of the Robert J. Handy Scholarship ($900/year, up to four years); and Grace Frazier, Dayton High School, won the WSSRA-Foundation Scholarship ($1500). No pics available.
Congratulations to all.