Friday, March 13, 2015

"Pre-Retirement Seminar a Huge Success"

We entertained 200 attendees last evening, March 12th, at the Pre-Retirement Seminar held in the Southridge High School cafeteria. The numbers were considerably below the near 275 we were expecting, but the room wouldn't have held too many more. 

Attendees were schooled in the steps necessary to make the transition to retirement (Jan Fraley), how to attend to those sick-leave accumulated days (VEBA with Kristin Farris), what to do about health insurance (PEBB with Larry Cade), Social Security and investing (Matthew Riesenweber), and Plans I, II (Bob Fox), and Plan III (Mark Miller). 

Thanks to Kennewick School District for providing the facility, Tri-Tech for the refreshments, and to Elaine Banks, Don Parks, and Dottie Stevens, committee planners, and Jim Bumgarner, Chair.

Thinking about retiring soon?  Click this link to learn more about how make it a successful transition.