Kudos to Sharon Adkins, WEA Uniserve Offices, for making the arrangments with Tri-Tech, for organizing the program, contacting the presenters, making copies of important documents for presenters and attendees, and for keeping Jim Bumgarner in-line and under control as the workshop facilitator. She also helped get the box lunches together.
Kudos also to the team of BFSRA volunteers who helped with registration (Marlys Mayer, Leona Hassing, and Sally Lindsay); for helping set up the room (Tom Callahan and Peter Bixby); for arranging membership information and collecting new members (Connie Bailey); and especially to Jim and AJ Foster and Elaine Banks for their informative and well delivered presentation regarding the legislature and its continual slide from wisdom.
And last, but never least, BIG KUDOS to our own Elaine Banks for serving as the Chair of our Pre-Retirement Workshop Commitee. Due to her talented efforts in working with Sharon Adkins, the workshop was a great success.
And last, but never least, BIG KUDOS to our own Elaine Banks for serving as the Chair of our Pre-Retirement Workshop Commitee. Due to her talented efforts in working with Sharon Adkins, the workshop was a great success.
Programs and presenters:
1. "Social Security - Important Basics You Need to Know." Matt Wiser, Financial Advisor, Waddell & Reed
2. "State Health Insurance - Your Options going Into Retirement." Larry Cade, PEBB - Health Care Authority.
3. "Legislation _ Sometimes Good; Sometimes Not. Changes That May Affect Your Retirement Benefits." Elaine Banks, WSSRA Legislative Committee, and Jim Foster, BFSRA Legislative Committee Co-Chair.
4. "Your Financial Check Up - What Do I Need To Do For Retirement Security? Did I Miss Something??" Matthew Riesenweber, Financial Advisor, Waddell & Reed
5. "Retirement paper work: What Comes First? And Then What??" Jan Fraley, Kennewick Retired Teachers.