Saturday, August 27, 2022

 The Old to the New:  May 2022 and August 2022

May marks the "end" of the 2021-2022 year and sets the transition to the new school year 2022-2023.  BFSRA makes a similar transition, usually not having a July Luncheon over the summer.  This year, however, we wanted to recognize our Active members by inviting them to a lunch in their honor on July 18.  While participation was a bit sparse, it was great to get together with them, and let them know how glad we are that they are members.  The May 2022 Luncheon was well attended and included the installation of officers for 2022-2023.

New Officers

On to August and the start of the new (school!) year.  The first BFSRA luncheon of the (new) school year was held on August 22nd at the Red Lion in Pasco.  

<< Details and Pictures to be posted when available >>

Coming up quickly are the Pasco School District Benefits Fair (August 29, 2022) at the Patio of the Edgar Brown Stadium from 7 a.m. - 9 a.m., and the Richland School District Benefits Fair (September 29, 2022) at the new Richland School District Building on Keene Road from 2 - 6 p.m.  BFSRA will be hosting an informational booth at each of these events.

The next BFSRA Luncheon will be held September 26, 2022 at the Pasco Red Lion.  Peter Diedrick, WSSRA Legislative Director, and Alan Burke, WSSRA Executive Director will share the latest on legislation and insurance changes